Virtual Private Servers

A VPS is an economical and efficient use of resources in which you get full administrative access without the hassle, expense and responsibility of maintaining physical gear.
A virtual private server (or VPS for short) is an instance of a server that may run in parallel with other server instances on the same hardware.  Because server hardware with just one function usually sits idle most of the time, virtualization allows for greater efficiency in the use of resources – both economic and natural.

Cooperative Service

We offer VPS service to coop members on cooperatively administered servers. We use the Ganeti virtual machine management system to provide high reliability service. Each VPS service site is managed by a core group of skilled coop members.

What’s included with each slice

  • 1GB of RAM
  • 25GB disk
  • 128kbps@95% bandwidth
  • 1 static IP address in our IPv4 address range
  • Shared use of about 0.5 CPU
    Slices vCPUs
    1-2 1
    3-4 2
    5-6 3
    7-8 4
    9-10 5
    11-12 6
    13-14 7
    15-16 8
  • Remote VPS admin over SSH.


Members may have more than one VPS instance, and each instance can be up to 16 slices in size. One additional disk space allocation can be purchased for each slice. Additional bandwidth can also be purchased at the member rate. We’re currently accepting new VPS’s only in our Fremont, CA (SCL) datacenter.

SCL Pricing (Yearly)

$75/slice – $20 extra disk units

 Request a VPS» 


Q: What’s the maximum supported config?
A: The largest supported single instance we support is 8 Slices.
Q: Can I purchase a bunch of extra disc for my one-slice VPS?
A: No. Disk allocation is limited to two times the number of slices. For example, 100GB of disk would require two slices and two extra disk units.
Last updated: 2023-04-24 22:28:20 by ops