Operations Committee Charter


The Operations committee is responsible for operating, maintaining, and monitoring the cooperative’s computing infrastructure, and provides technical support to members for services the cooperative provides. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Authority & Limitations

The Operations Committee is authorized to develop policies and procedures for meeting its functional responsibilities, and delegating tasks among its members. The decisions, policies, and procedures of the committee may be overturned by majority vote of the board or a supermajority vote of the membership at large.

The chair of the committee is authorized to act as an agent of the cooperative, with respect to facilities and Internet service vendors, when acting within the good faith, authorization, and knowledge of the board of directors.

Standing Agenda Items

  • Review high-priority outstanding tickets and assign someone to take them on
  • Identify areas for improvements to monitoring, automation, and operations
Last updated: 2022-11-07 19:06:59 by ops